Customers have 30 days from the date of receipt to request a return. Sales of special order, custom items, and close out items are not eligible for return. Other items with expiration dates or partially consumed items may have restrictions on return. Please contact us for details.
All returns must be approved by BBL management in writing in advance of acceptance from customer. Returned product will be subject to a 10% restock fee in addition to any restock fees imposed by the manufacturer.
All shipping charges including tracking numbers related to the return including but not limited to shipment from the customer to BBL and/or from BBL to the manufacturer will be billed to the customer. Merchandise must be returned to BBL or the manufacturer within 10 business days after the customer has received email confirmation from BBL approving the return. Please do not send back the merchandise until receiving email approval.
How to Start a Return
Simply fill out our Product Return form completely and email the form to
We currently only offer shipping within the United States. When you place an order, shipping costs are automatically calculated at checkout.
Some heavy items will have additional surcharges that may be added on after order is placed which will be adjusted accordingly.
Most products on our website are available to ship immediately. Certain products marked as "Factory Stock Item" are not stocked at the BBL warehouse which will either be shipped from the manufacturer directly or they will ship once we receive them at the BBL warehouse.